Διακοπές στη Ρώμη - iShow.gr
Κωμωδία αμερικανικής παραγωγής 1953 σε επαναπροβολή
Γκρέγκορι Πεκ
Joe Bradley
Όντρει Χέπμπορν
Princess Ann
Eddie Albert
Irving Radovich
Hartley Πάουερ
Mr. Hennessy
Harcourt Γουΐλιαμς
Μάργκαρετ Rawlings
Countess Vereberg
Tullio Carminati
General Provno
Πάολο Carlini
Mario Delani
Κλαούντιο Ermelli
Πάολα Borboni
Αλφρέντο Rizzo
Taxicab Driver
Laura Solari
Hennessy's Secretary
Gorella Gori
Shoe Seller
Armando Ambrogi
Man on Phone
Αρμάντο Annuale
Admiral Dancing with Princess
Μαουρίτσιο Arena
Young Boy with Car
Σίλβιο Bagolini
Undetermined Role
Νάντια Balabine
Woman of Importance Watching the Military Parade
Ugo Ballerini
Embassy Aide
Bruno Baschiera
Embassy Aide
Gildo Bocci
Flower Seller
Alfred Browne
Correspondent at Poker Game
Princess Alma Cattaneo
Lady in Waiting
Φράνκο Corsaro
Undetermined Role
John Cortay
Correspondent at Poker Game
Julián Cortés Cavanillas
Julian Cortes Cavanillas of 'ABC Madrid'
Vittoria Crispo
Undetermined Role
Ferdinando De Aldisio
Ferdinando De Aldisio of 'Agence Press'
Ugo De Pascale
Embassy Aide
Jan Dijksgraaf
Speaking Correspondent
Αντρέα Esterhazy
Embassy Aide
Gherda Fehrer
Senhora Joaquin de Capoes
Jacques Ferrier
Lacques Ferrier of 'Ici Paris'
Helen Fondra
Countess Von Marstrand
Τζιοβάνι Fostini
Correspondent at Poker Game
Sytske Galema
Sytske Galema of 'De Limie'
Paul Gary
Undetermined Role
Teresa Gauthier
Ihre Hoheit die Furstin von und zu Luchtenstichenholz
Σίντνεϊ Γκόρντον
Correspondent at Poker Game
Otto Gross
Otto Gross of 'Davar'
Τζωρτζ Higgins II
Correspondent at Poker Game
Heinz Hindrich
Dr. Bonnachoven
Έντουαρντ Hitchcock
Head of Foreign Correspondents
Τζον Horne
Master of Ceremonies
Stephen House
Stephen House of 'The London Exchange Telegraph'
Adam Jennette
Speaking Correspondent
G. Kabulska
Undetermined Role
Kurt Klinger
Kurt Klinger of 'Deutsch Press Agentur'
Cirillo Konopleff
Ihre Hoheit der Furst von und zu Luchtenstichenholz
Friedrich Lampe
Friedrich Lampe of 'New York Herald-Tribune'
Diane Lante
Lady in Waiting
Princess Lilamani
The Raikuuari of Khanipur
Luigi Locchi
Count Von Marstrand
Mario Lucinni
Senhor Joaquin de Capoes
Luis Marino
Hassan El Din Pasha
Ρίτσαρντ Μακνάμαρα
Correspondent at Poker Game
Rabindranath Mitter
H.R.H. The Maharajah
Luigi Moneta
Old Man Dancing with Princess
Maurice Montabre
Maurice Montabre of 'Le Figaro'
Julio Moriones
Julio Moriones of 'La Vanguardia'
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